Location: Houston
HCFCD Lauder Stormwater Detention Basin Phase – 2
The Lauder Stormwater Detention Basin – Phase 1 HCFCD (Harris County Flood Control District) Unit P500-06-00- E005) project consisted of excavating a stormwater detention basin located west of the intersection of Lauder Road and John F. Kennedy Blvd. on the south bank of HCFCD Channel P100-00-00 and east of Channel P138-00-00 and P138-01-00. Major work activities included off-site disposal of about 966,250 cubic yards of excavation for a wet bottom stormwater detention basin. This included rerouting the P138-01-00 channel into the P500 -06-00 Phase 1 basin. The stormwater detention basin construction consisted of clearing and grubbing the site; installation of water quality features, outfall culverts, flap gates, and concrete channel lining; plugging of existing piezometers; site grading; and installation of maintenance access paths according to Plans. The project also included widening the P138-01-00 channel, which included installing buried riprap, regrading the site, excavating the soil, filling low areas to re-establish design grade, and installing erosion protection measures. Serco demonstrated proficiency in executing complex engineering tasks, ensuring environmental sustainability, and adhering to the project’s stormwater management and flood mitigation goals. The project was completed ahead of schedule and under budget.